The goal of the R package samplesim is to estimate sample size effects in stable isotope mixing solutions.

System requierements

The package samplesim requires the freeware JAGS.


You can install the stable version of samplesim with:

## Install stable version of 'samplesim' ----

Or you can install the development version from GitHub with:

## Install 'remotes' package (if not already installed) ----
if (!requireNamespace("remotes", quietly = TRUE)) {

## Install development version of 'samplesim' ----

Then you can attach the package samplesim:


Please read the Vignette


Please cite this package as:

Lecomte N., Ehrich D., Casajus N., Berteaux D., Cameron C., and Yoccoz N.G. How many is enough? An R package for evaluating the effect of sample size on estimates and precision of stable isotope mixing solutions. Submitted to Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

Or alternatively:

Casajus N., Cameron C., Ehrich D., and Lecomte N. (2021) samplesim: An R package to investigate sample size effects in stable isotope mixing solutions. R package version 1.0. URL:

Code of Conduct

Please note that the samplesim project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.