The goal of the R package radiofrance is to retrieve Radio France (France Inter, France Culture, etc.) podcasts metadata (date, title, mp3 URL and and duration). User can easily download metadata for any podcast. The name of the podcast must be extracted from the website URL (e.g. Le Moment Meurice must be written as le-moment-meurice).


You can install the development version from GitHub with:


Then you can attach the package radiofrance:


podcast_name <- "la-chronique-de-waly-dia"

## Retrieve episodes information ----

tab <- get_metadata(podcast_name, radio = "franceinter")

## Create a M3U playlist ----

create_m3u(tab, podcast_name)

The m3u file can be open with VLC to stream all episodes. To retrieve new episodes, just re-run the functions get_metadata() and create_m3u().


Please cite this package as:

Casajus N (2022) radiofrance: An R package to retrieve Radio France podcasts metadata. R package version 1.0.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the radiofrance project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.